This course has opened my eyes to an entirely new
realm of research. Before taking this
course, I only knew research as searching literature and conducting a few
tests. My main problem during my
research was my timeline and how I would jump from topic to topic with no
structure holding my plan together.
Action-research has taught me to take a systematic approach towards
researching new inquiries. That’s
another favorite term that I learned during this course: inquiry. I find it much more intriguing to inquire or
wonder about something rather than just labeling something as your “topic” for
research. If you inquire about a topic,
that means you personally find it interesting and wonder about the possible
outcomes that research could unfold.
Making the research personally intriguing motivates the
principal-researcher to give maximal effort towards their research and data
As much as I sometimes hate to admit it!, the assignments
we were given played a major role in my learning and new found interest in
action research. I don’t think I would
have collaborated with my mentor as much as I did if it weren’t for the
assignments where it made it mandatory. My
principal offered great insight regarding data collection and analysis and also
helped me effectively plan out my timeline in a way that could consolidate tasks
into school tasks that were already scheduled to take place. Also the assignment to create the draft in
week three allowed ample time to evaluate, assess, and reflect on the plan to
make effective revisions.
The video lectures gave me guidance on each week
that was always needed. Sometimes within
the class we have so many directions, questions, and answers coming from a
million different sources that it can make my head spin. Being able to sit down and watch the video
lectures which are uninterrupted was a nice way to start off each week because
it gave an overview of each week and directed a purpose for the beginning of
the week’s assignments. I always noted
and appreciated how the professors would ask each other critical frequently
asked questions to better clarify each week’s learning purposes.
The Discussion board was another useful resource
that allowed us to grow as students and collaborators. We are given criteria to write about and
comment on each other’s thoughts and writing.
I personally look forward to reading others responses on my posted
thread each week. Our classmates are so
insightful and motivating it is always the boost I need in the middle of the
Blogging is my new favorite use of technology within
our class. I have never been a part of a
blog let alone created one myself before this class. The comments I received on my blog were
extremely useful in the development of my action-research plan. I used those comments to make revisions and
they also verified some of my plans that I wasn’t so sure about. I also liked the
idea of administrator blogs where colleagues can learn from best practices used
at each other schools. Why work alone
when we have so many insightful classmates and professional colleagues willing
to share their work? When I become an
administrator one day I plan to utilize the use of blogs within my professional
community. I also plan to integrate the use
of professional blogs within my faculty.
It can be part of our faculty meetings and professional development
This was a great class that has taught me a valuable
new skill that I plan to use from day one of my administrative experience. I do not foresee myself using the old style
of research from here on out. The
systematic approach we take towards action research is my favorite aspect of
the strategy. Thank you to all my classmates
and to the professors for making this class an amazing learning experience that
will be used from here on out!
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