Sunday, March 17, 2013

Draft of Action Research Plan

Action Research Plan: The Digital Divide
Goal: To determine what impact our new registered device policy is having on classroom instruction and to determine whether or not my school is experiencing a “digital divide” with the use of the new policy.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
1. Meet with members of the leadership team and discuss the implementation of the registered device policy and the purpose of my action research project.
(Setting Foundation)
Steve Howes

Site Supervisor

March 2013
Meeting Location


Collaboratively find a specific purpose of action research project.  Branch off other questions and inquiries that will lead to insightful research towards goal.
2. Meet with technology specialists within my school to discuss benefits of new policy
(Setting Foundation)

Steve Howes

Head Librarian

Technology Specialist
March 2013-April 2013
Meeting Location

Answer questions and/or concerns regarding new policy.  Document benefits and steps of implementation.  Discuss role of technology specialists within policy.
3. Gather baseline data of how many students currently have registered devices in school. Obtain data from Technology Specialist.
(Analyzing Data)

Steve Howes

Site Supervisor

Technology Specialist
April 2013
Meeting locations


Excel documents containing recorded data.

Document beginning baseline data of how many students at LJMS currently have registered devices.
4. Gather beginning baseline data of what types of devices students are registering.  Obtain data from Technology Specialist.
(Analyzing Data)

Steve Howes

Site Supervisor

Technology Specialist
April 2013
Meeting locations


Excel documents containing recorded data.
Document beginning baseline data of the different types of devices students are registering and how many of each type are registered.
5. Interview team leaders to discuss how many teachers are allowing students to use registered devices in the classroom.

(Developing deeper understanding)
Steve Howes

Team Leaders both 7th & 8th grade.

Site Supervisor
April 2013-May 2013

Meeting Locations

Interview document with questions
Record and gather answers about how team leaders are implementing new policy to their teachers and whether or not they are allowing students to use their registered devices.
6. Interview teachers from each team to discuss whether or not they are allowing students to use their registered devices and if so, what exactly they are using them for.

(Developing deeper understanding)
Steve Howes

Teachers both 7th & 8th grade.
May 2013-June 2013

Meeting Locations

Interview document with questions
Record answers and data of how many teachers are allowing students to use their devices. Document examples of use and best practices of teachers.  Discover how this has aided classroom instruction.
7. Survey students on whether or not they have a registered device, and if so how does it help them in the classroom.  If they do not have device, students explain why not.

(Developing deeper understanding)
Steve Howes

Random selection of students

Site Supervisor
June 2013

10 computers


Technology Cart

Excel program
Gain insight of the “Digital Divide”.  Discover information of who does not have registered devices and why.  Also discover examples of student use.
8. Gather beginning of year data on how many students have registered devices and what types.  Obtain data from Technology Specialist.

(Analyzing Data)

Steve Howes

Technology Specialist

Site Supervisor
September 2013-November 2013

Meeting Location

Excel documents containing recorded data.

Record more data on numbers of registered devices and document differences compared to last school year.
9. Meet with Site supervisor and instructional leaders to discuss professional development practices towards gaining a better understanding of the use of registered devices for students.

(Taking action for school improvement)
Steve Howes

Site Supervisor

Assistant Principals

School Technology Specialists/Leaders

Instructional Leaders

September 2013-November 2013
Meeting Locations


Document best practices, plans towards professional development, and staff improvement towards gaining a better understanding of digital devices and student use.
10. Interview staff members on their understanding of policy and how they plan to implement this into their classroom instruction this school year.

(Exploring Programmatic Patterns)
Steve Howes

Site Supervisor

Select population of 7th & 8th grade teachers.
November 2013-February 2014
Meeting Locations



Interview Document with questions
Record insightful information of how professional development has impacted teacher learning and teacher plans of implementation of policy into classroom instruction.
11. Survey students on whether or not they have a registered device. If so how does it help them in the classroom.  If they do not have device, student explain why not.

(Exploring Programmatic Patterns)

(Analyzing Data)

Steve Howes

Random selection of students

Site Supervisor
March 2014

10 Computers


Technology Cart
Record data that will show differences from data collected last school year.  Also document how students are using registered devices and how this relates or is different from last year’s data.
12. Conduct ending survey with teachers and team leaders discussing whether or not they are allowing the use of registered devices in the classroom and how they are aiding instruction with the use of this policy.

(Analyzing Data)

(Exploring Programmatic Patterns)

Steve Howes

Teachers both 7th & 8th grade  (same as before plus more)
April 2014


Excel Document

Record conclusive data regarding numbers of teachers allowing use of registered devices.  Show how this data has changed or stayed the same since beginning of action research plan.  Document best practices of teachers aiding classroom instruction.
13.  Meet with Site Supervisor and Instructional Leaders to discuss results of action research plan.

(Sustaining Improvement)
Steve Howes

Site Supervisor

School Technology Specialists

Instructional Leaders
May 2014

Presentation Software

Data Analysis results

Meeting Location
Discuss ending results of action research plan.  Show differences from beginning of plan to end using graphs and line charts for data analysis, discuss answers to interviews and surveys, conclude and discuss analysis of digital divide.


  1. Your plan is very comprehensive. I would love to see a copy of this registered device policy. I allow my students to use their devices in class, but other teachers take them up and turn them into the office if a student's device accidentally falls out of their pocket or back pack. Good Luck! I will be following your blog.

  2. That is the problem I am trying to address. We passed the new policy so that student CAN use them in class for the right purposes but it seems that some teachers are still not willing to abide by the new policy. I am trying to track the growth of the policy over the next year and teachers adaptations to technology.

  3. I agree with Ms. B about the comprehensiveness of your plan. You seem to have thought of everything... or at least everything I would include! I'm also very interested to see the results of your project, as this is a subject that most people seem to have strong opinions about. It'll be good to have actual data to support allowing students to use their devices. I think the professional development is a good idea, as part of the issue is probably teachers' lack of knowledge about how to utilize student technology in their lessons.

  4. We have been using a BYOT policy for a year. I was fortunate to be on the cadre and a lot of it is management. We developed a "docking station" where kids dock their device face down. All of the rules of the classroom are on the docking station. When kids come in and see them on the desks they are trained to take them out and dock them. These simple routines make a huge difference. If you're interested Ina copy of it let me know and I'll email it to you! Good Luck!!!

    1. Yes Tracy that would be awesome! I will look it over and present it to my admin staff :-) Thanks!
