Monday, September 30, 2013

Update on Action Research Plan: The Digital Divide

I am right on track with my action research project that is to be completed by the end of this school year.  I am just about to collect all of the registered device data for the beginning of this school year because our Site-Based Technology Specialist is still registering students devices that can be used in the classroom and in about a week I will be collecting the beginning of the 2013-2014 student data in regards of how many students are registering devices compared to last year’s data.  I will continue my teacher and student surveys in regards to my action research project and I have to collect data from out SBTS one more time and my action research project will be complete.  I contacted every department head in the school and got great feedback based on my survey questions about the digital divide.  Many teachers see our registered device policy as a necessity while some are still trying to get used to it.  Some teachers allow registered devices to be used at all times during instruction and some only have specific activities where they will allow the devices to be out and turned on.  Once the school year really gets moving, I am anxious to see how the school dynamic has changed compared to last year.  I am wondering the number of registered devices has gone up, stayed the same, or decreased.  I also noticed many interesting student Reponses in regards to my student survey.  Many students have the misconception that the faculty and administration is monitoring everything they are doing on their device, and that is the main reason they are not getting them registered.  We needed to have an intervention with the students that this indeed is not true and this policy is just to help them in the classroom.